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How Far in Advance Do You Pick a Wedding Dress?

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Shopping for a wedding dress is one of the most exciting adventures for a girl. You go out with your girl squad, looking for that one dress that you always dreamed about.

However, it makes sense to wonder when you should begin this search?

Some factors that could make a difference are your personal goals, the designers you aim for, and the wedding schedule. The planning you put into it will definitely make sense when the day finally comes.

How Far in Advance Do You Pick a Wedding Dress?

You should pick a wedding dress 8-10 months in advance of your wedding. This gives you enough time for the dress to be ordered, alterations to be made, and multiple fitting appointments. Do not plan on shopping for your dress less than 6 months out, because you risk it not being ready on time.

Allowing plenty of time between the wedding day and the dress shopping is essential to ensure you get a perfect dress. It takes time to place an order and get your dress fitted to your measurements.

Moreover, it makes sense when you don’t want to purchase your wedding dress too early. Buying it too early can lead to buyer’s remorse. You may find a better option later, or a design could be launched later that you prefer.

Bride and groom at Old Poway Park on a bridge

Determine the Best Time of the Year to Buy a Wedding Dress

Buying a wedding dress depends on the schedule of your wedding. It also depends on some financial factors. For instance, many brides set a budget for their dress. They want to go for the purchase when it is the right time.

Different seasons bring in different styles and bargains. So far, many experts believe that January is the best time to buy a wedding dress.

This is because many couples get engaged in the holiday season in December. The design industry knows this fact. So, they offer several rewards and discounts in January. There is a lot to choose from in the samples and the promotional offers in the bridal stores.

One more reason for buying your dress in January is that it will fit into your wedding timeline. If your wedding is scheduled for summer, you have six months until the day. However, if your wedding is planned for the spring, you are on a perfect schedule and will find fantastic deals.

After the Engagement

Once your better half has slid the diamond on your finger, you should start planning for the wedding dress. It is an assurance that the big day is coming soon!

Start looking for ideas online and flip through the magazines. It is essential to know what you want in the gown and what you don’t need. Learn about the styles that will look good on you and those trending.

When doing so, you should also understand the date and the season of your wedding. Discuss the anticipated date with your partner and evaluate the season. It would be absurd to go for a long and flowy silk gown in the middle of June.

Follow a Timeline

After you have chosen the venue and there are 8-10 months left until the wedding, you should begin the dress hunt and do the following:

Set a Budget

The last thing you want to do is go beyond your budget. You will need the money for your honeymoon and to give something to your partner. Be wise when looking for a wedding dress.

Choosing a budget range ahead of time will also help you determine the price range of your shoes, veil, etc.

Go Browsing

After you have a budget, you know the stores you should be looking at. This will give you an idea about the dress styles that will match your taste, height, weight, and shoes. It is essential to determine whether the dress accentuates your body, so take as many pictures as possible. It gives you an idea about the final look you will have.

Select your Shopping Crew

You don’t have to take a vast army when shopping for wedding dresses. Just make sure that you have people with whom you feel comfortable. Having many people with different opinions will lead to confusion. So, have close ones like your mother, sisters, or best friends when you go shopping.

Don’t Leave Any Stones Unturned

It is a good idea to try multiple styles when you go shopping. This is the day you will remember for your entire life, so make sure to create happy memories. Don’t be afraid and visit several salons to know which styles are trending. Learn how a makeover will help enhance the look of the dress you want. It is okay to give your mind some rest and look into as many stores as you want.

Final Thoughts

Finding a wedding dress in advance is helpful because it gives you a chance to finalize the look with much thought. For instance, you can try different veils and hairdos to see how you appear on the big day.

We hope you get your hands on the dress you always dreamt about!

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